Sunday, August 2, 2015

Links concerning journal clubs

In June 2015 Sheila Webber and Marshall Dozier gave a workshop on Running a Journal Club, at the EAHIL+ICAHIS+ICLC 2015 conference held in Edinburgh, Scotland. The powerpoint and handout are available here and the handout is also embedded below. The handout has a bibliography of articles about librarian journal clubs and journal clubs in the healthcare sector (as well as listing the links given below). We thought it would be useful to have the links to journal club websites etc. available online for easy clicking, so here they are:
Journal clubs
- Blog post Information Literacy journal club (i.e. this!)
- HLA Journal Club [wiki] (health librarians, Australia: appraisal)
- Oxfordshire librarians journal club: journal club for health care librarians and information specialists. [website] (appraisals) Latest activity in 2012
- University of Saskatchewan. Centre for Evidence Based Library & Information Practice C-EBLIP Journal Club (not an online club, but useful blog posts from each session)
- University of Western Australia Librarians Journal Club [Mendeley list of articles:]
- ACRL Maryland chapter online [Blackboard Collaborate] journal club: April meeting
- Information Literacy Journal Club in Second Life, dates: and an archive of papers here

Journal clubs in library and information schools
 - Example report from the journal club at University College London
- At Sheffield University Information school we have a monthly discussion of articles relevant to critical librarianship. They are face to face but usually there are some tweets using #critLIS

Support for Journal Clubs
- Basildon Healthcare Journal Club Support Service (useful templates)
- University of Texas
- Cochrane Journal Club page (support material for clinical articles)
- HLwiki International web page with guidelines for journal clubs etc.